Z Center Stage » Z Center Stage

Z Center Stage

Thanks to everyone who helped with the set, the lobby, and all the other things that made the show happen!
crewend act 1
Aster questions Mollyalf and bumbrakethe wasp crewTink
Hawking Clamthe neverland crew
Stache and Smeefriends

ZHS Performing Arts Calendar  2024-2025

*All in PAC unless otherwise noted


November 11, 2024, 2 pm: fall play set strike.   Also Tuesday at 2:15-4:30.  Then, end fall production.

November 14, 2024: Choir Concert @7pm

November 19, 2024: Band Concert @7pm

November 22-25, 2024: WIBC, Seattle


February 1, 2025: Instrumental Solo & Ensemble

February 8, 2025: Voice and Strings Solo & Ensemble

February 13-16, 2025: Northwest NAfME Conference

February 12, 2025, 2:55-4:30: Technical Crew interviews for spring show

February 18-19, 2025, 3-6 pm:  Spring musical auditions

February 20, 2025-3-4:30 pm: Spring musical callbacks

February 20, 2025: Zillah Middle School Music Concert @7pm

February 24, 2025, 3-5 pm: First rehearsal, spring musical

February 25, 2025: Zillah High School Music Concert @7pm

February 25, 2025-May 2, 2025, 3-5 pm:  Spring musical rehearsals continue

March 3, 2025: Extra-Curricular Concert @7pm

March 4, 2025: High School Choir Contest


March 4, 2025: Musical Theater Singing Performance @7pm

March 6, 2025: High School Band Contest

March 11, 2025: Middle School Band Contest

March 13-14, 2025: Middle School Choir Contest

March 18-22, 2025: National ACDA Conference

May 5, 2025, possible all day dress rehearsal (TBD)

May 6-7, 2025, 3-7 pm, spring musical dress rehearsals

May 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 2025, 7 pm:  spring musical performances

May 17, 2025, 1:30 pm:  spring musical matinee performance

May 19, 2025, 3-7 pm: set strike for spring musical (possible also after school on May 20, too)

May 27, 2025: Choir Concert @7pm

May 29, 2025: Band Concert @7pm

June 3, 2025: Fine Arts Awards