Z Center Stage » Drama Mamas and Papas--Volunteers

Drama Mamas and Papas--Volunteers


FOR HELP WITH Peter and the Starcatcher

Performed: November 1, 2, and 7, 8, 9 at 7 p.m.


See what jobs are available and volunteer to be part of our great parent team!

 We will train you and provide everything needed to do your job – just bring your enthusiasm!

In return, you can see the show for free that performance!


Jobs Available for each performance:

  • Need one “GREETER” per show to stand at front door and greet people. Separate the people into the right lines — “will call tickets” and “purchase tickets at the door”.  This will help make the lines move faster and also keep down the number of folks crowding into the lobby. This is the main building lobby.
  • Need one “TICKET TAKER” per show to stand just inside the main building and take tickets for ALL people coming in the door. You scan the ticket with the scan gun and send them around the corner to the ushers to be seated.
  • Need four “USHERS” per show. Help patrons find their numbered seats in the right row, help elders if needed, answer questions if needed.  This should streamline getting folks seated and ready for the show to start on time. You meet them in the hallway and guide to seat after giving them a program.
  • Need two “CONCESSIONS SELLERS” per show to set up and sell water. Involves keeping track of inventory and money box resolution at end of night.  You sell preshow and at intermission.
  • Need one “WILL-CALL TICKETS” person per show to sit at table in main building lobby and look up alphabetically filed envelopes containing tickets that were pre-ordered. Give the tickets to the patron and deal with any questions which arise. Direct them to the ticket scanner station.
  • Need two “SELL TICKETS AT DOOR” people to sit at table in lobby and sell tickets to folks who come to purchase tickets that night. This involves pre-learning the computer ticketing system!!!  It also will involve money handling and resolution.


Other jobs during production/rehearsals are listed on the Volunteer Form!   


If you are interested in helping in any of these jobs, please contact Lynn Brant by returning the attached form with your student.  If you have questions, email her at [email protected]  or call 930-6894.


Production Positions:

You will need to be READY TO WORK NO LATER THAN 6 PM EVERY NIGHT you have volunteered. This is crucial because we will now open the doors to the public at 6:15 and need to be organized and ready.  Only water is allowed in auditorium and lobby.  Our mission is to be friendly, helpful, and efficient so the play starts on time.


Once the play has started or everyone is seated, put away your work items and money and sit down to watch the play in available seats.  The minute the house lights go up for intermission, immediately go to the lobby to open the water table and do resolutions on money, etc.  (We will talk further about this to the folks who volunteer).


Whether you have volunteered on a regular basis before or are brand new at this drama craziness, join us!  We have lots of fun and can make a difference.  We are looking for more parents to learn the ropes and help replace the ones whose kids graduate.  We are also always looking for parents who have skills to help us improve what we do.  So, whether you like to be behind the scenes or out in front interacting with the public~~~~we have a job for you!


Thank you!         Lynn Brant ([email protected]  or 930-6894)