Z Center Stage » Z Center Stage

Z Center Stage

Our spring musical!
In a retelling of “The Princess and the Pea,” a far-away kingdom struggles against a marriage ban.
Queen Aggravain won’t permit anyone to marry until her grown-ish son, Prince Dauntless, marries a suitable princess.
She also happens to reject every eligible princess through a series of elaborate royalty tests, leaving the kingdom’s residents romantically frustrated.
When Lady Larken is expecting, she convinces her knight, Sir Harry, to search for a royal bachelorette for Dauntless so the couple can wed.
Sir Harry returns with Princess Winnifred, a noblewoman of the swamp whose freewheeling displays of strength clash with the Queen’s image of "a true princess".
While the Queen devises another elaborate royalty test – the one with 20 downy mattresses and one lousy pea –
the townspeople dare to uncover it before yet another match is doomed.
A hilarious take on the story of the "Princess and the Pea", this show is great for the whole family (probably not the very little, though).
We audition in February, and tickets will be on sale at the end of March!
More updates on our Facebook and Instagram pages as we go!
Important Dates:
Audition Practices:  February 5, and February 12, 3-5 pm (starting in the band room)
Pick up audition materials in Mrs. Brant's classroom.
See more information on auditions and tech on the "Spring Musical Information" tab above.
Technical Forms DUE before February 12.
Tech Interviews, 3-4 pm in MEDIA CENTER
Acting audition application form is due before February 18
Auditions for actors: February 18 and 19, 3-5:45 pm in PAC
February 20, 3-4:30 pm, Callbacks (if needed)
February 21, Casting letters will be distributed.  The cast list is posted here and on social media.

ZHS Performing Arts Calendar  2024-2025

*All in PAC unless otherwise noted


January 29, 2025, 3-5 pm:  Spring Musical Audition practice #1 (Band room, then PAC)

February 1, 2025: Instrumental Solo & Ensemble

February 5, 2025:  Spring Musical Audition practice #2 (Band room, then PAC)

February 8, 2025: Voice and Strings Solo & Ensemble

February 12, 2025: Spring Musical Audition practice #3 (Band room, then PAC)

February 12, 2025, 2:55-4:30: Technical Crew interviews for spring show (Media Center)

February 13-16, 2025: Northwest NAfME Conference

February 18-19, 2025, 3-6 pm:  Spring musical auditions (PAC)

February 20, 2025-3-4:30 pm: Spring musical callbacks (PAC)

February 20, 2025: Zillah Middle School Music Concert @7pm

February 24, 2025, 3-5 pm: First rehearsal, spring musical (PAC)

February 25, 2025: Zillah High School Music Concert @7pm

February 25, 2025-May 2, 2025, 3-5 pm:  Spring musical rehearsals continue

March 3, 2025: Extra-Curricular Concert @7pm

March 4, 2025: High School Choir Contest

March 4, 2025: Musical Theater Singing Performance @7pm


March 6, 2025: High School Band Contest

March 11, 2025: Middle School Band Contest

March 13-14, 2025: Middle School Choir Contest

March 18-22, 2025: National ACDA Conference

May 5, 2025, possible all day dress rehearsal (TBD)

May 6-7, 2025, 3-7 pm, spring musical dress rehearsals

May 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 2025, 7 pm:  spring musical performances

May 17, 2025, 1:30 pm:  spring musical matinee performance

May 19, 2025, 3-7 pm: set strike for spring musical (possible also after school on May 20, too)

May 27, 2025: Choir Concert @7pm

May 29, 2025: Band Concert @7pm

June 3, 2025: Fine Arts Awards

Thanks to everyone who helped with the set, the lobby, and all the other things that made the show happen!
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